We Are Committed to Your Health


Our Mission Is to Provide a Professional & Honest Approach to Health Care

Provide the best in surgical care by combining cutting- edge technology and evidence-based medicine and tailoring it for the individual.

Our Procedures

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Acute Care and Trauma Surgery

Acute emergency surgical conditions and trauma are a daily occurrence and in our practice, these are dealt with in the most innovative and scientifically proven ways. We make use of laparoscopy in this setting as well to give our patients the benefits of minimally invasive surgery.

Bariatric and Metabolic surgery

This type of surgery and/or endoscopy allows obese persons who are unable to lose weight the conventional way to have an option that addresses this matter in an anatomical and physiological manner.

Breast and Endocrine Surgery

All breast pathologies are addressed including complex breast surgery and reconstruction for breast cancer.

Endocrine surgery that includes the thyroid, parathyroid is performed.


Colorectal Surgery

With the aid of the colonoscopy, pathology of the colon, rectum and anus can be diagnosed accurately. Polyps (small growths within the colon) can be removed at the same time and sent for laboratory evaluation to assess if cancerous or not. Other interventional procedures may be done such as:

Skin and Soft Tissue

Suspicious skin lesions, including soft tissue tumours, are actively screened and assessed (includes biopsy and high-resolution imaging) prior to surgical management.

Hernia Surgery

Hernias are a common surgical problem.

They may affect the groins, previous operation scars and may affect various regions of the abdominal wall.

With the use of various techniques, these problems can be attended to surgically.

Your Health Starts Here

Flexible appointments and urgent care.

Or call

012 320 0707 (Pretoria)
011 924 6093 (Kempton Park/Tembisa)
010 110 9264 (Johannesburg)

Better Health Care is Our Mission

(010) 214 0208


7 Park Lane, Room 300 Phoenix Place, Life Brenthurst Hospital, Johannesburg 2193